About Manuela
Axis Syllabus teacher, dancer, performer, project coach, curator, author and researcher. She is interested in anything that supports the learning process, as well as the creative process. She is co-editor and author together with Frey Faust of the Axis Syllabus bi-monthly Periodical, co-author with Frey Faust of the current 3rd edition of the Axis Syllabus Notation System, co-curator together with Francesca Pedullà and Roberta Messa of the performance Festival upRisingUp (IT), co-curator together with Irina Hortin of die Synapse in Düsseldorf (D), as well as co-curator together with Francesca Pedullà, Frey Faust and Baris Mihci of the Association La Radice dei Viandanti ETS in Puglia (IT).
Teacher's statement
The AXIS SYLLABUS NOTATION SYSTEM is an additional learning, teaching, training tool mainly through the consolidated methodologies of reading, writing, composing, translating, visualizing and mapping. It was born out of and at the same time as the AXIS SYLLABUS. Frey Faust is the author of the Axis Syllabus and the inventor of the ASNS. Frey and I are co-author the 3rd version and edition of this Notation System.
The ASNS has helped me significantly developing movement literacy, verbal accuracy, visual analysis, learning autonomy, besides offering me endless creative input.
Come, let's dance and play together soon!