About Nuvola
Curious and sensitive spirit, Nuvola is a dancer, teacher, choreographer, independent curator. Seamstress of her career and her profession she is currently based in Bologna, Italy.
Agonist gymnast until adulthood, at the age of twenty she begins to look for tools to soften the gymnastic rigor and discover the poetry of the body, thus arriving at dance.Graduated in Cultural Anthropology, she holds a Master in Art Theatre Counseling.
As a dancer she weaves a nomadic and independent education between Europe and America. In 2007 she met Frey Faust and began to dedicate herself to the study of the Axis Syllabus. Progressively she became more and more actively involved in the Network taking care of events in Italy, and since 2014 she is part of the Nomadic College Team. She began her trajectory as candidate teacher in 2014 and she has been certified in 2018 receiving her 3 letters from: Francesca Pedullà, Frey Faust, Baris Mihci.
After dancing for several choreographers, including: Societas Raffaello Sanzio; Dehors/Audela; Barbara Elia; compagnia PopOpera; Diane Mc Carthy; Malleable Dance Theatre Company; Compagnia del Pratello; Baba Jaga; In 2014 she founded Architetture di Corpi, a container that brings together different perspectives, instruments and formats, about the moving body and dance. Within this frame, she produces several dance pieces, presented among others in: Festival InTeatro (Italy); Maldà en Dansa Festival (Spain); Poesia i + Festival (Spain); Teatro Ridotto (Italy); 40zero54 Dispositivi di danza contemporanea Festival (Italy); DanceWood Festival (Italy); Akropoditi DanceFest (Greece); Teatro dell’Archivolto (Italy).
She also creates and manages days of interdisciplinary studies such as FestinaLente; and Scie Festival in collaboration with AlmaDanza and the ASIRN; contexts in which science and art, thought and practice meet and exchange, looking for integrated perspectives.
Since 2017 she is teacher for APP-Almadanza Professional Program (BO), since 2015 she hold regular open classes in Bologna.
Teacher's statement
What interests and fascinates me most is to discover and learn through movement. Movement is for me one of the most precious masters, I have met so far. An infinite quantity of flavours, spices and colours nestle in it. It is a free department store where I can find all kinds of "food-tools". My research and practice are based on movement and dance, yet dance is not my goal, it is only the tool I have chosen to investigate the folds of the human, the landscapes it creates and the universe of to which it belongs. For this reason, what I offer both as workshops and as shows and events is placed between the cavities of different disciplines and studies, convinced that the fascinating complexity of things can only be approached through the integration of different points of view, theoretical and practical.